by diviadmin | Oct 14, 2018 | 2018 Videos
The Hidden Hand of the Sovereign God (Ruth 1) Meet one family at a low ebb as they experience crushing personal circumstances – famine and widowhood. Where is God in the disappointment?
by diviadmin | Oct 14, 2018 | 2018 Videos
Finding refuge under the wings of the LORD (Ruth 2) Where do we go when we’ve reached the end of our resources? Find out how we can look to God as he unfolds his plan to meet our deepest needs.
by diviadmin | Oct 14, 2018 | 2018 Videos
A surprising end and a promising future (Ruth 3-4) How do we live by faith, and not by sight? Learn from Ruth about how true rest is to be found in the sovereign love and goodness of God and his redemptive plan in the Lord Jesus.