by diviadmin | Sep 15, 2015 | Book Reviews
This On–the–Go Devotional assures women that contentment is not some fleeting ideal but a reality that God enables them to live out daily. Any woman who buys into the lie of “You can have it all” or who thinks she can only be happy “if…” experiences an abiding...
by diviadmin | Sep 15, 2015 | Book Reviews
What is an idol? Well, according to Tim Keller, it is:?‘Anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give.’ The question we need to ask ourselves is not so much...
by diviadmin | Sep 15, 2015 | Book Reviews
As 21st century women, we are constantly challenged to ‘have it all’ – husband, family, career, independence, acclaim, equality, respect . . . But as 21st century christian women, the question is, do we actually want it? And more importantly, is that how God designed...
by diviadmin | Sep 15, 2015 | Book Reviews
I have just gone back again to this book and it is an even better read and bigger challenge this time round. We have just started considering it in our ladies study group and our first session was challenging, heart warming and so encouraging. The title can be a bit...
by diviadmin | Sep 15, 2015 | Book Reviews
Carolyn Mahaney is a pastors wife from America. In this short book she is up to date on the challenges we face as women today. Looking at Titus 2 and the unchanging truths of God’s word she shows how living God’s way transforms lives completely and gives us a clear...
by diviadmin | Sep 15, 2015 | Book Reviews
I have recommended this book to many counselees as it is a literal treasure trove of biblical truths encapsulated in one volume. Best–selling author Nancy Leigh Demoss gives a comprehensive redress to 9 lies we are inclined to believe when the going gets tough. She...